Super soft milk buns: full of flavor and delicious

One thing that I remember dearly from my childhood is eating milk buns with a small chocolate bar. It was something so simple that brought so much happiness into my days. Those milk buns were very soft and fluffy and had the perfect structure so you could buy the ones filled with whipped cream and they wouldn’t be soggy. I think the simplicity of these milk buns is what makes them so special, they’re such a delicious treat!

What are milk buns?

When you talk about milk buns these days, people usually think about a pull-apart style of buns. But today I bring a Spanish version of milk buns (Or at least the milk buns from my childhood). They have a slightly thicker (not crunchy) crust with a very spongy and slightly moist crumb. They’re usually shaped into an oblong shape and they don’t touch each other while they bake. Many times you could find milk buns filled with whipped cream or custard, those were some chubby buns!

About this milk buns recipe

Before we start, I want to emphasize how important gluten development is in this recipe. These milk buns should stay soft and fresh for several days, and proper gluten formation is crucial. I’ve tested this recipe many times and the yudane (I’ll talk about it later) definitely helps, but good ole’ elbow grease is what’s going to help you take these buns from good to amazing!

Activate the yeast in milk

I find that scalding the milk always helps when making bread. What I like to do is boil part of the milk (exact measurements in the recipe card), and let it cool down as I prepare the rest of the ingredients. Once the milk is warm and nice to the touch I add the yeast and let it rest a few minutes to activate.

Try acid whey for extra milkiness

I’ve been making my own yogurt for a few months and I found a perfect way to use the leftover acid whey: Bread making! Check this sandwich loaf recipe. I also found that whey gives the bread a more intense aroma than milk, so if you like your bread extra milky, and you have leftover whey, you can also use it for this recipe.

How to make the buns super soft

The key to ultra-soft milk buns is gluten development. By gluten development, I don’t mean *just* gluten formation. But developing a gluten network that is reinforced by fats and starch. Those are the key components to any soft bread. Different recipes will have a slightly different gluten network organization, but the idea is to have these three ingredients create a sturdy network (a good foundation starts with gluten) that is elastic and malleable (fats, they act as a lubricant among the gluten chains), and that makes a bread that is very spongy and fluffy (starch helps with setting the crumb and creating a more cohesive and less crumbly texture).

What is the yudane method?

One of the things that happen in breadmaking is the gelatinization of starch. The liquids in the recipe hydrate the starch in the flour. The hydrated starch granules swell and burst open when the temperature increases while the bread is baking. This is called gelatinization. The yudane method is based on the incorporation of pre-gelatinized starch into the bread recipe. Adding pre-gelatinized starch means two things: 1) more gelatinized starch will increase the fluffiness of the bread, and 2) pre-gelatinized starch will avoid “stealing” part of the moisture of the recipe for starch swelling, rather than gluten building. So we end up with a bread that is fluffier and has a stronger gluten network.

How does yudane look like

It is basically a 100% hydration dough. It looks sticky! Don’t worry, the main purpose of yudane is to gelatinize as much starch as possible. At this point, we don’t care about kneading the dough perfectly.

Later, when you put all the ingredients together, the yudane will incorporate into the dough and you wouldn’t tell it’s there

How to make the yudane

In order to keep the flavor of the milk buns, I like to prepare my yudane with milk. For these buns, I boiled the other part of the milk (careful with spills!) and prepare the yudane with it. You can do this the day before, but I prefer to use my yudane fresh to make sure there is no starch retrogradation. You can learn more about it in this post

If you use a stand mixer, you can put the flour for yudane in the bowl beforehand. Once the milk starts boiling turn the stand mixer on, add the milk, and knead the dough using the paddle attachment. If you prefer to do it by hand use a heavy bottom bowl that can stand the heat and allows you to stir somehow vigorously. Add the flour and when the milk is boiling aff it to the bowl and start stirring until you form a dough.  Knead until you can touch the dough and don’t get burnt.

When the yudane is done, wrap it with plastic wrap and let it cool down to room temperature. In the meanwhile prepare the rest of the ingredients.

Fermenting these milk buns

You have two options here, 1 bulk fermentation and 1 proof, or 2 bulk fermentations and 1 proof. What I like to do with these buns is to ferment the dough until it almost doubles in size, then knead it for a minute to deflate it and let it ferment again until it doubles in size. Only then do I deflate it for a second time and divide it to shape the buns.

I find 2 bulk fermentations help develop more flavor. This is a yeasted dough, so any extra aroma is always welcome! And if you’re wondering if longer fermentation will make this dough sour the answer is no! It’s not sourdough, so don’t worry about that. It’ll just have a more bready and less yeasty flavor.

However, if you prefer to do one single bulk fermentation, let the dough ferment until it doubles or almost triples. Then proceed with the shaping and proofing.

How to shape these milk buns

After the dough is ready and has fermented. Divide it into 20-25 pieces of similar weight, shape them into a ball, and let them rest for 10 or 15 minutes. I like smaller and chubbier buns, but you can make larger buns. In that case, divide the dough into 10 or 12 pieces.

Then, with your hands or a rolling pin, flatten the balls, one at a time, into an oval of 15-20 cm long and 15-10 cm wide. This depends on how you like your buns. (shorter and chubbier, or thinner and longer. I like the chubbier version better!)

Then starting from the narrow side roll the dough into a little log, seal the edges and place it on the baking tray you will use. Leave enough separation amount the buns so they don’t touch each other while fermenting or baking.

If you’re making small buns you will need 2 or 3 trays to proof them or they might be too close to each other and will end up touching each other in the oven.

Score the buns!

One of the times I was testing this recipe I asked my Instagram community which scoring pattern they liked better, and the majority responded that they liked better 3 cuts across the buns. I had tried no cuts and also one cut lengthwise. I like 3 cuts better, as well. But, of course, you can choose whatever pattern.

How to bake the milk buns

If you choose to make small buns, be careful because they will be done fast and they can go from almost brown to dark brown in a matter of minutes. I don’t use steam while I bake these milk buns but that’s also an option to consider if you have an oven with a fan. The fan always dries out the crust much faster.

If you decide to make larger buns, then adding some steam can be a good idea, to allow the buns to rise a bit more in the oven.

The power of a good egg wash

Egg wash is not only the last touch for some shiny buns, it also develops a crust that seals part of the moisture inside to the buns can last fresh for a bit longer.

Questions you might have

How long do milk buns last?

I made 25 small buns and, at room temperature, they lasted fluffy and nice for 3-4 days. On days 5 and 6 the buns were a bit dryer but still edible. Nothing some butter or mayo couldn’t fix!

Can you freeze milk buns?

Yes! I reserved some of the buns for freezing. The best way for me was a ziplock bag, but you could wrap them in plastic wrap individually as well. Then I cut them lengthwise before freezing and when I wanted to eat one I just popped it in the toaster. You could also let them thaw at room temperature or steam them. Although this last technique can be tricky if there’s water condensing and dripping on top of the buns.

How do you eat milk buns?

As mentioned before, these milk buns are probably a bit different than other styles of buns. They are perfect for sliders, hotdogs… whatever savory filling you prefer. But my favorite is with a chocolate bar. This combination just takes me back to my childhood and I see myself in that small pastry shop, unwrapping the chocolate bar and putting it inside the bun. As an adult, I found that Nutella can also be an amazing filling!

Are milk buns sweet?

Yes! These buns are sweet, not crazy sweet but you can taste the sweetness. That, along with the milky flavor, is what makes these buns so versatile! They go well with sweet or savory fillings. And if you’re like me and dunk everything in your morning coffee… you can do that too!

Are these milk buns the same as brioche?

Not quite! While brioche is mostly eggs and butter, these buns have more milk, not as much butter, and not that much egg. They are also sweeter than brioche.

Other uses for this milk dough

This dough is amazing to work with! Unless I don’t have a lot of time I like to knead it by hand because it’s truly nice to work with! And it’s also very versatile. If you don’t want long buns you can you can make buns for burgers, or cinnamon rolls, or a babka… You can also shape it into thinner and longer buns for hot dogs. You can even use it to make a tin loaf. This recipe is a keeper!

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If you make any of my recipes let me know what you think! As always you can find me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. And I also have a few videos up on my Youtube channel (which I hope I can resume soon!)

Starting on breadmaking but don’t know where to start? Check my amazon store to see my favorite and affordable utensils you will need. You can make the best bread with simple and affordable tools! (This is an affiliate link if you purchase something from this link I will make a small commission that helps me run this blog, but you will not be charged any extra money 😉 )

super soft milk buns with nutella
5 from 1 vote

Super soft milk buns

Course Appetizer, Breakfast, Dessert, Side Dish, Snack
Cuisine Spanish
Keyword milk buns, soft buns, super soft milk buns
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total resting time 4 hours
Servings 25 small buns



  • 150 g bread flour
  • 150 g boiling milk

Main dough

  • 300 g yudane
  • 600 g bread flour 12.7% protein
  • 300-335 g Whole milk (scalded, lukewarm) (start with the lesser amount and add more if your flour requires it)
  • 75 g heavy whipping cream
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 7 g active dry yeast
  • 90 g sugar
  • 12 g salt
  • 75 g softened butter



  1. Add 150g of bread flour to your bowl.

  2. Heat a bit over 150g of whole milk and when it comes to a boil weigh 150g and quickly add it to the flour.

  3. With a wooden spoon or with a stand mixer mix the flour and milk until it forms a sticky dough. Wrap it in plastic and keep it at room temperature until you're ready to start the dough.

Main dough

  1. Mix the lukewarm milk, the whipping cream, the yeast, and the egg yolks, and let the mixture sit for 10 minutes.

  2. Add the sugar to the egg mixture and give it a whisk.

  3. In the bowl where you have your yudane add the egg mixture and break up the yudane a little bit.

  4. Add flour and salt to the bowl where you have the yudane and pour the wet ingredients. Mix everything until you don't have dry flour particles. Cover and let it sit for 20 minutes.

  5. After 20 minutes start kneading, if the dough feels too stiff and you didn't add all the milk, add a bit more. Once the dough starts coming together add the softened butter and continue kneading to incorporate it.

  6. Knead until the dough becomes smooth and elastic. It shouldn't stick to your fingers and it should feel nice to the touch.

  7. Place the dough in a lightly oiled container, cover it and let it ferment at room temperature for 2h or until it almost doubles in size

  8. Deflate de dough gently and let it ferment again for 1 hour or until it almost doubles the size

  9. After 1h or when the dough is ready deflate it gently and let it rest, covered, for 10 minutes.

  10. Divide the dough into as many buns as you'd like, shape the pieces into small balls and let them rest covered for 10 minutes. This recipe can make 25 small buns, 12 medium buns, or 6 large buns.

  11. Take one dough ball and flatten it with your hands or a rolling pin into an oval of half centimeter thick (1/4 in). For small-size buns, the oval will be 15x7cm. Starting from the short side roll the dough into a log and seal the edges.

  12. Put the buns on baking trays separate enough they won't touch each other while they bake, cover them loosely with plastic wrap and let them ferment until they get puffy and have grown in size.

  13. Before the buns finish proofing preheat your oven at 360F/180C (lower to 340F if you're making larger buns).

  14. When the buns are ready, brush them with a mix of milk and the leftover egg white, make three cuts across the surface of each bun and bake them at 360F/180C for 25-35 minutes or until they have a nice golden brown color.

  15. Let the buns cool down to room temperature. You can keep them in a seal-tight container or ziplock bag at room temperature. You can also freeze them and defrost them in the toaster.

Whey bread: my new favorite

How on earth did you come up with a whey bread recipe? I’m glad you ask! A few months ago I started to make my own yogurt. But with homemade yogurt came leftover whey. I don’t like throwing away things that I can use, especially something that 1) I know it’s an industry waste very difficult to deal with and 2) is not milk but smells like it and therefore could give great aroma to my bakes. I thought I could find a good use for it, and the most obvious one for me was to try my hand at a whey bread. Spoiler alert: it’s AMAZING!

For this recipe, I decided to use active dry yeast (you can also use instant if that’s what you have). I know I know… I’ve been on a sourdough roll for quite a while but because I wasn’t sure if making a 100% whey bread was possible, I wanted to try first using yeast. Then, during the recipe development, I realized that I needed to reconnect with my beloved yeast. The challenge of making something with sourdough is exciting but yeasted bread is delicious too and more convenient when you don’t have the time or patience for sourdough. And honestly, I think this recipe is perfect the “whey” it is *pun intended* 😉

Check the notes in the recipe box for the baker’s percentage, the measurements are for a large loaf pan.

What is whey?

For those who don’t know what whey is, it’s a by-product of the yogurt-making process. Once the milk is curdled and the yogurt is set, the yogurt is strained to get a creamier texture or Greek-style yogurt. The leftover liquid is known as whey or yogurt whey. It’s yellowish and it can be a clear or a bit cloudy, it has a milky smell and it’s acidic. If you want to know more about the composition check this scientific article.

This whey is not the same whey protein powder has, they’re called the same, but they’re different. Protein whey is also known as “sweet whey”.

When I make yogurt I make 2 liters at a time; There’s a lot of whey in 2 liters of yogurt! I didn’t want to throw it away before I at least tried to do something with it. I also know whey is a huge problem in the dairy industry. It’s a by-product that pretty much goes to waste and it really poses an environmental problem. You can’t just throw it away because it has a lot of microorganisms and nutrients for other microorganisms that can lead to algae growth. The low ph can acidify the surroundings and thus affect the ecosystem where it’s dumped. It’s a big no-no.

Many researchers are looking into possible uses for whey in an attempt to relieve the industry from this problem and to minimize environmentally dangerous practices. Believe it or not but the Greek yogurt industry creates billions (billions with a b!!) of liters of whey. This article explains it very well, it’s an interesting read if you’d like to know more about this issue.

But we, bakers of the world, home cooks, kitchen creatives, zero waste enthusiasts… always find a use for everything! So, to your question “Can you make bread with whey?” The answer is YES, YOU CAN! And whey bread is actually now one of my favorite things to bake!

I got these flip-top bottles for my kombucha and water kefir, but they work great for other things, like keeping whey fresh!

Using whey in bread

For this recipe, whey is the only liquid I use. Even for the yudane (which we’ll cover later). If your whey is clear or cloudy is not going to affect the bread. I’ve tried with both and they work the same.

I was a bit worried at the beginning because I wasn’t sure if the lower pH would affect gluten development or the final texture. But good news! The dough behaved beautifully! It’s very aromatic and you’re going to fall in love with this whey bread! And you can even keep the whey in the fridge for a couple of weeks before you use it. Its low pH and good microorganisms can extend its shelf life for quite some time!

About this whey bread recipe

Let’s get into the tidbits of the recipe! After testing different ingredient ratios, I decided to introduce some precooked flour. Some of you might have heard about tangzhong and yudane methods. Both are based on the same idea: the gelatinization of starch. Tangzhong is a roux and it’s made with a 1:5 flour to water ratio. Yudane, however, is a 1:1 flour to water ratio, and instead of gradually increasing the temperature and cook the mixture, you boil the liquid and pour it on top of the flour.

I’ve worked with both methods and I love them both. The gelatinized starch in the precooked flour makes quite a difference in the texture of the bread. I always mention how important gluten development is, but gluten development doesn’t only mean building the gluten network. It means incorporating all the necessary elements into the network. And that includes starch granules that will gelatinize during baking. These gelatinized starch granules give the crumb some springiness and elasticity, which are key for soft and fluffy bread.

How to make the yudane for this whey bread

If you have a stand mixer or some machine to knead the dough, I’d recommend you prepare the yudane with it. Measure the flour and keep it in the bowl. Boil a bit more whey than the amount you’ll need because some of it will evaporate. When it comes to a boil turn on your stand mixer, quickly measure the weight of the whey you need in another container, and pour it into the stand mixer bowl and knead it until you can touch it without burning yourself.

If you do it by hand, also measure the flour and keep it in the bowl, proceed to heat the whey in the same manner, and when it comes to a boil measure the amount you need directly on the bowl where you have your flour. Place the bowl on the scale, add the whey, and quickly, with a spatula or a wooden spoon mix the dough well and knead it until you have a sticky dough ball.

If you can, use a heavy bowl, so it doesn’t move around while you’re stirring and pouring the boiling water.

The yudane method explained

Usually, people make the yudane the night before baking and let it cool down in the fridge. However, I think that approach is not the best if we want to maximize the possibilities of adding gelatinized starch to our dough. Why? Because of something called starch retrogradation.

Starch is made of two monomeric units: amylose and amylopectin. At room temperature, these two compounds have a crystalline structure (not that they’re crystals per se, but their atoms are arranged in the space as crystals). In presence of heat and water, the starch granules swell and burst. When this happens, the crystalline structures of amylose and amylopectin are lost, the chains can interact with even more water, and the mixture becomes a gel, thus the “gelatinization” part.

However, the gelatinization process is not 100% irreversible. The moment heat is no longer applied and the temperature of the gel starts going down, some of the monomers start re-crystalizing. That means that as they go back to their original structure, they start losing the gel properties and become solid again. This process is called retrogradation.

Starch retrogradation is quite a big deal in starch science and it does have a role in bread staling. It’s also one of the main reasons bread gets hard and crumbly when we put it in the fridge.

Why I don’t put my yudane in the fridge

The retrogradation process is accelerated at cold temperatures. That’s why sauces or custards that have flour or starch harden in the fridge. If we put the yudane in the fridge, the starch retrogradation will go faster than if we just leave it at room temperature. We can keep more gelatinized starch and our bakes will be even better if there’s no cold involved.

Keep in mind that even if we let the cold yudane come back to room temperature, the retrograded starch won’t gelatinize again. Gelatinization starts at high temperatures (>65C/150F)

This is my personal preference when making yudane. I find it’s also more convenient because I always forget to prepare things the day before. But obviously, you can leave it in the fridge if that’s what you prefer.

When your yudane is ready and it’s not too hot, you can either start right away, or you can wrap it in plastic until you start making this whey bread.

How to ferment this dough

Since this is a yeasted dough, it’s going to be a 1-day bread. And in just a few hours you should be able to enjoy a nice slice of this whey bread that’s going to enamor you!

The bulk fermentation will take about 2-3h, proofing will take a bit less. These are just a guide, the total fermentation time depends on how hot your kitchen is, etc etc. Proofing is where things can be different depending on what type of loaf pan you have.

best whey bread for sandwich

Proofing on a Pullman loaf pan with lid

I have this Pullman loaf pan with a lid. I must say… it’s large. I underestimated the size when I bought it some years ago. At the time I was baking just for myself. But now this size is very convenient because it makes a loaf large enough to last the whole work week and feed 2 people. I’m talking breakfast toasts, lunch sandwiches, mid-afternoon snacks…

Make sure you oil the pan and the lid. After you shape the dough, let it ferment until the dough is 1cm from the top. Then put it in the oven. If you bake the loaf when the dough is already touching the lid and is filling almost all the pan, the dough won’t have enough space and might pop the lid. As the bread keeps rising the first few baking minutes it might push the lid and you might hear a little explosion. Nothing major, but if you’re not expecting that it might scare you. I know because I almost had a heart attack when I heard that myself!

If this happens though, carefully put the dough back in the tin with the lid and everything (it will deflate after the shock) and continue baking. The worst that can happen is that the loaf will have a wonky shape. It might even be a bit smaller than you wanted. But it’ll be totally edible.

Proofing on a loaf pan without a lid

In this case, there isn’t any risk of “explosion”, but there’s a risk of mushroom shape loaf. If this happens it’s possible the bread gets stuck in the edges of the pan and it will not come out of the tin after it cools down. The best you can do is control the proofing and start baking when the center of the loaf is, at most, 1-1.5cm above the edge of the pan. This dough is very elastic, so it’ll have a nice oven spring. For smaller loaves, I use this loaf pan and it serves me well. It’s very versatile and useful for small cakes, banana bread, etc.

How to shape this loaf

Deflate the dough gently and well by kneading it for a couple of minutes, let it rest for 5 minutes, and then roll it into a rectangle slightly narrower than the length of your loaf pan and as long as your dough allows you while keeping at least ½ inch thickness (if it’s thinner it might get stuck on your counter and be easier to trap air as you roll it). Shape the dough into a log and put it in the pan. If you’re using a Pullman loaf, close the lid. If your loaf pan doesn’t have a lid, cover the dough with plastic wrap or put the pan inside a large enough plastic bag.

How to bake this sandwich whey bread

Whey has significant levels of galactose, a monosaccharide that’s also considered a reducing sugar. These types of sugars are the ones responsible for Maillard reactions. To the already happening Maillard reactions in bread, we’re adding more reducing sugars, thus your loaf will brown faster than usual. This will make a bit more difficult to test the doneness because the color can be misleading. You take the bread out of the oven when it’s still not fully baked, yet the outside is pretty dark.

For this, it’s better to test the temperature in the middle of the loaf. Once the temperature hits 96C, the bread is done! I have this thermometer and I am very happy, it’s fast and you can also put the probe at an angle, so you don’t burn yourself with the top side of the oven.

Baking with a lid

Here you have two options: you can bake the bread half the time with the lid on. When it starts browning remove the lid and continue baking until it’s done (by testing the inside temperature). Or you can bake with the lid on until it’s fully baked. If you remove the lid halfway, the loaf can get a slightly domed shape that will disappear after it cools down. However, there’s some risk for getting a weirdly shaped loaf. On the other hand, if you bake with a lid, the top might get a concave shape after it cools down.

This all pure aesthetics, it’s not a big deal and it’s not going to affect the flavor or fluffiness of the bread. But sometimes we just want that perfect square toast. I find it easier to bake with the lid at all times, and then I have my process to cool this whey bread down to keep the square shape.

Baking without a lid

If you don’t have the Pullman-style loaf pan, your bread will have a lovely round top and you won’t have to worry about losing the shape while it cools down.

How to let this whey bread cool down

One little issue that I’ve encountered when making Pullman loaves is the concave shape the loaf gets after it cools down. It’s a bit hard to find the exact moment to take the Pullman loaf pan lid off. If you take it off too early, the loaf might have a convex shape (like a mountain), but if you take it out too late, it’ll have a concave shape (like a valley).

My strategy is to bake the bread with the lid on at all times and I cool it down upside down for the first 30 mins. First 10mins in the tin, and the rest 20 out of the tin (otherwise the steam will condense on the bread and leave it wet and soggy). If you’re up for the challenge, you can keep turning the loaf upside down every 20 minutes until it’s room temperature. It worked for me, but that’s not something I’ll do all the time. Mostly because I forget about the loaf after it’s baked 🙂

How to store this whey bread

The yudane helps a lot keeping this whey bread fluffy for a longer time. I’ve tested this recipe with and without yudane and there’s a big difference (it stays fluffier with yudane). I’ve kept this whey bread at room temperature as is (not in a bag) for 5 days, just keeping the open side on the plate so it doesn’t get extremely dry. The crumb did dry out over time, but the bread was totally edible and after putting a couple of slices on the toaster it was perfect. The fats (from butter and eggs) kind of seal the crust of this bread, keeping the moisture inside. So while the crust might dry, the crumb remains nice and soft.

Now, this was an experiment, I don’t recommend leaving the loaf as is on the kitchen counter. If you have a square plastic container, you can slice the loaf up and place the slices there. You can also keep it in a ziplock bag and slice it as you need. You can cut the slices and freeze them and then just pop them in the toaster for 1 or 2 cycles when you want a slice.

If you make homemade yogurt I encourage you to try adding whey to your loaves, especially enriched ones! I am stunned by its versatility and incredibly milky aroma! I’d go as far as to say that if you use whey, you might even be able to skip powdered milk in some recipes!

Frequently asked questions

If you follow me on Instagram you might have seen me playing around with this bread. And I received several questions while I was developing this recipe. I hope they can be useful for you too!

Can I use whole wheat flour to make this whey loaf?

Yes, you can, always keeping in mind that cereal bran will alter the dough a little. The more bran, the more liquid you will need and the less smooth your bread will be. I have this recipe for a whole wheat loaf that you might like to try using whey.

Can I use gluten-free flour?

I get this question quite often, and the answer is no. A gluten-free bread requires a lot more testing and different ingredients to make sure you can mimic the properties of the gluten proteins. So you can’t just substitute one flour for the other. If you have experience with gluten-free bread, then you can probably twitch some of your recipes to add whey.

Can I make this bread in a dutch oven?

I haven’t tried it, but I don’t see why not. As long as you control the temperature and you don’t mind the shape of the bread. Still, keep an eye on the dough, because it’s possible it’ll rise more in the oven than a lean dough would, you don’t want to get the dough stuck in your dutch oven.

Can I use parchment paper in the loaf pan?

I don’t see why not! my Pullman loaf pan doesn’t need it, even if I don’t spray oil. But if you’ve had problems before, parchment paper won’t affect your bread.

Can I use oil instead of butter?

If we were talking about other recipes I might not recommend you to do so. Butter and oil behave differently and can lead to very different results. Even solid and melted butter behave differently (You can read about that on this brioche with sourdough discards recipe).

But for this recipe, butter is not the key ingredient so you can substitute it for oil. I have tried using olive oil and it also makes delicious bread!

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You can find me on InstagramFacebook, and Pinterest, and you can also subscribe to my Youtube channel.

This post contains affiliate links and any sales made through such links will reward me a small commission – at no extra cost for you – that allows me to keep running this blog.

Happy Baking!

Whey bread: Your new favorite loaf

This sandwich whey bread is super flavorful, soft, and perfect for sandwiches and toasts. It's also a great way to use your leftover whey!

Course Appetizer, Breakfast, Side Dish, Snack
Keyword sandwich bread, sweet bread, whey bread, yeast breads, zero waste recipe
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 39 minutes
Total resting time 4 hours
Servings 1 13in loaf
Author Maria



  • 130 g bread flour **Check notes for the baker's % to scale down this recipe to a smaller loaf pan**
  • 130 g boiling whey

Whey bread dough

  • 260 g yudane
  • 520 g bread flour
  • 150-190 g whey * See notes
  • 10 g active dry yeast
  • 2 eggs
  • 90 g sugar
  • 12 g salt
  • 80 g softened butter



  1. Add 130g of bread flour to your bowl.

  2. Heat a bit over 130g of whey and when it comes to a boil weigh 130g and quickly add it to the flour.

  3. With a wooden spoon or with a stand mixer mix the flour and whey until it forms a sticky dough. If you're not ready to bake wrap it in plastic and keep it at room temperature until you're ready to start your bread.

Whey bread dough

  1. Mix the room temperature whey, the yeast, and the eggs and let the mixture sit for 10 minutes.

  2. Add the sugar to the egg mixture and give it a whisk.

  3. In the bowl where you have your yudane add the egg mixture and break up the yudane a little bit.

  4. Add flour and salt to the bowl where you have the yudane and the wet ingredients and mix everything until you don't have dry flour particles. Cover and let it sit for 20 minutes.

  5. After 20 minutes start kneading, if the dough feels too stiff and you didn't add all the liquid whey, add a bit more. Once the dough starts coming together add the softened butter and continue kneading to incorporate it.

  6. Knead until the dough becomes smooth and elastic. It shouldn't stick to your fingers and it should feel nice to the touch.

  7. Place the dough in a lightly oiled container, cover it and let it ferment at room temperature for 2h or until it at least doubled in size.

  8. deflate the dough gently and let it rest, covered, for 10 minutes.

  9. Dust the dough and the counter lightly with some flour and with a rolling pin roll your dough into a rectangle slightly narrower than your loaf pan. Roll the dough into a log and place it in your oiled loaf pan.

  10. Let the dough ferment a second time until it's 1-1.5 cm from the edges of the loaf pan (if baking with a lid), or until the dough is at most 2cm above the edges of the loaf pan (if baking without a lid). This should take about 1.5h at a room temperature of 74F/23C. Check the post for more detailed information about this.

  11. Before the dough finishes fermenting preheat your oven at 350F/175C.

  12. When the dough is ready bake at 350F/175C for 35-45minutes or until the inner center temperature reads at least 205F/96C (Time will depend on the oven).

  13. Take the loaf out and let it cool down for 10 minutes in the pan before you remove it from it. If using a Pullman loaf pan cool it down with the lid on upside down for 10 minutes and another 20 minutes without the lid (Check the post for detailed information about the cooling process).

Recipe Notes

(For detailed instructions, explanations, and FAQ refer to the post)

* The amount of whey depends on how much your flour can absorb. My flour has 12.7% protein content and I can comfortably add 170-180g, with stronger flour (14% protein) I need 190g of whey.

**Baker’s Percentage:

Yudane Flour: 20%

Yudane Whey: 20%

Dough flour: 80%

Dough whey: 29.2%

Eggs: 15.4%

Sugar: 13.8%

Yeast: 1.5%

Salt: 1.8%

Butter: 12.3%

Roscón de Reyes – Traditional Spanish Bread

roscon de reyes sourdough masa madre spanish bread

Happy and healthy New Year! I want to start 2021 with one of my favorite Spanish types of bread: The Roscón de Reyes. It’s a brioche-style, citrusy, sweet bread that’s usually consumed on January 6th; the Epiphany day, and the official last day of Christmas in Spain (and many other countries).

January 6th is known as “Día de Reyes”, the Three Kings day; it refers to the 3 Wise Men who visited Jesus when he was born, bringing gold, incense, and myrrh as gifts.

What is the tradition during Día de Reyes?

When the Christmas season starts, kids in Spain write a letter to Their Majesties the Three Wise Men. In their letters, they ask for the presents they’d like to receive.

Now… If they behaved well during the year, they will get the gifts on their list. But if they didn’t… They’ll receive a bag of coal!! And depending on how mischievous they were, the bag might have candy coal or real coal!

On January 5th almost every town has a parade with the Reyes Magos and their pages. During the parade, the kids get to see the Reyes Magos and collect lots of candy the pages throw away. There’s music, laughter, and a final speech from Their Majesties encouraging the kids to go to bed early, so they can sneak into their homes and leave the gifts.

Then, that night, Melchor, Gaspar, and Baltasar, (Those are the names of the 3 wise men) or “Los Reyes Magos” as we call them in Spanish (The literal translation from Spanish is “the Magic Kings”), will go home from to home, riding their camels and leaving gifts for the family.

In our tradition, instead of using stockings, we leave shoes in the living room or close to the tree. One shoe per person. And you best believe that my sister and I always chose very carefully which shoes we were leaving!

Of course, as hosts, we need to leave some treats for our royal guests and their camels! In my family, we always left 3 glasses with sherry wine and a tray with turrón and polvorones (traditional Spanish Christmas treats). Then, we’d leave a big bucket with water and some carrots on the balcony for the camels.

The next morning we’d wake up early because… who can sleep when you know who’s visiting in the wee hours!?, and run to check our shoes and all the presents underneath.

The tradition behind the Roscónde Reyes

On January 6th it’s tradition to have one last feast with your family, as it is the last official day of the holidays. A big lunch to say goodbye to Christmas and a good Roscón as dessert.

Typically, people buy the Roscón de Reyes, and it comes with 3 things: a fava bean and a figurine hidden in the bread, and a golden paper crown. Let me explain…

I’m sure different places will have different customs, but where I grew up this is how we did it:

The person that gets the hidden fava bean will pay for next year’s Roscón, and the person who gets the figurine will be crowned king or queen of the table with the paper crown.

There are different types of Roscón, you can buy it plain, or with fillings (whipped cream or pastry cream being the most popular). My family used to buy the whipped cream one, but a homemade Roscón… I believe fillings just distract you from the fantastic flavors that this bread packs!

What are the ingredients of a rosca de reyes?

The flour

The flour I use for this Roscón is brioche flour with 14% of protein. If you live in the US this is the flour I use and I like the results. It absorbs fats and liquids very well and the dough is very elastic.

If you have flour with less protein content, you will need less liquid in your recipe. The texture of the dough should be soft but not super slack. It’s not quite as slack as brioche dough but not as stiff as my sourdough challah dough.

As a rule of thumb for me, for every 1% less protein in my flour, I decrease liquid and butter by 10% (less protein, less liquid, and fats). Then I adapt as needed.

The milk and other dairy-free options

The source of moisture in this recipe is milk. I like to scald it before I add it to the dough. It helps temper the other ingredients if they are cold when I prepare the dough (add it warm, not hot). It also makes developing the gluten a bit easier; some proteins are denatured and possible interactions with the gluten proteins are also reduced.

You don’t have to scald the milk, but if you do, measure more than what the recipe calls for because some moisture will evaporate.

You can use soy milk or other vegetable beverage, but I’d go for liquids with a viscosity similar to whole milk, not something watery as rice milk. I wouldn’t use oat milk, oat beta-glucan can affect the dough and be a tremendous impediment when building the gluten.

The sourdough

If you’re making the sourdough version, you might want to prepare a levain with the brioche flour if that’s not the flour you typically feed your starter (just take a portion of your starter and prepare a new one using the flour you will use for this bread). This will help the growth and adaptation period of the microorganisms once you make the dough. If you want to know more about sourdough science check this post!

The aromatics

Although flour is important for obvious reasons, the key ingredients in a good Roscón de Reyes are the aromatics. The key aromatics are orange zest, lemon zest, and orange blossom water (This is the one I use and I love it!). The smell doesn’t disappear after baking, it’s awesome).

The aroma must be balanced between citrusy flavors and sweet flavors. Make sure your orange blossom water is not expired or the dough won’t keep the aroma at all.

You can also add some dark rum or Cointreau for an extra kick and if you candy your own orange, the syrup is an excellent aromatic too! (and if it has some pulp even better!). If you use any booze, don’t use more than 1-1.5 tbsp. Alcohol can affect the texture of the bread and if using sourdough, it can affect the growth of the microorganisms.

Vanilla extract is optional, I decided to leave it out because I think the orange blossom water and orange syrup are enough. I love orange blossom and I don’t think it needs to be mixed with anything else.

How to make Roscón de Reyes

The pictures on this post are of a sourdough Roscón but I have also included a yeasted version. I explain the differences between both methods in the following paragraphs.

Sourdough Roscón de Reyes

Since I’m using brioche flour, the day before I started the dough I prepared the levain using my regular sourdough starter, water, and the brioche flour. I needed 135g so I calculated the quantities to end up with about 150g, just in case I lost something on the walls of the container etc.

With winter temperature in my kitchen being around 20C/68F, I can feed my starter 1:2:2, and the growth cycle is about 18-20h. So, I prepared the levain in the evening before going to bed. The levain was ready early next evening. You know your starter better, you can decide which feeding schedule suits you better.

When my starter was ready I prepared the dough and it fermented overnight. The next morning I divided the dough into 2 equal pieces, shaped it, and let it proof for about 3h-4h (at 68F/20C)

I prepared the levain in a way that I could leave the dough fermenting overnight. That way it could proof during the morning and we had a fresh Roscón de Reyes for dessert.

Yeasted Roscón de Reyes

For the yeast version, you need to adapt the recipe. First, you need to avoid the starter and then update the flour and milk quantities.

Since I use a 100% hydration starter, half of the weight is water, and half of the weight is flour. This recipe calls for 135g of starter, which means 67.5g are water, and 67.5 flour.

To update the recipe you just need to add 67.5g of flour to the total flour and 67.5g of milk or water to the total milk.

How to twitch the recipe to use yeast

How much yeast should I use? That’s a question that I get asked pretty often. I would recommend no more than 1% of the weight of the flour, which is about 6 g for the full recipe. You can even use less yeast, it’ll just take a bit longer to ferment.

You can always add more yeast but to the detriment of the flavor and dough structure. The faster the bread ferments, the faster it’ll dry out once baked, and the easier it’ll be for the dough to over ferment, loose structure, and end up with a dense pancake.

A way to improve the flavor profile of a yeasted bread is to slow down the fermentation. You can do that by reducing the amount of yeast, or by adding a cold bulk step (or both if the yeast amount is low but not too low).

A good schedule for a yeasted Roscón is to start in the afternoon. Let it ferment until it almost doubles in size, then put it in the fridge overnight. The next morning take it out of the fridge and let it come to room temperature for about 1h, or to a dough consistency that’s comfortable to work with. Then proceed as with the sourdough version. Keep in mind that it will prove faster, and instead of 3-4 h, it might take 1-2 (depending on the internal temperature).

How to shape your Roscón de Reyes

Some people shape it in an oval, some people make a circle with individual bun-like portions… But if you want to shape it like a big donut (either circular or oval shape), you need to shape the dough into a ball. Add a bit of tension to the surface. Then let the dough rest for about 15 minutes (covered) on an oiled surface to avoid it from sticking.

Oil your hands and with your index finger make a hole in the center and move it around to enlarge the hole enough so you can lift the dough and with your other index finger you roll the dough around making the hole larger and larger.

You basically move the dough aroung and gravity does the stretching!

Be careful, don’t push the dough. If it’s not stretching anymore, put it back on the counter, cover it, and let it rest for 10-15 minutes to allow the gluten to relax. Then continue with the same circular motions until you have a hole of at least 15cm/6in.

It might look like the hole is too large, but as the dough proofs and then bakes it’ll puff up and the hole will decrease in size. Once you’re happy put the Roscón on parchment paper and arrange it well because you won’t be able to re-shape it later on. Put it on the tray you’ll use to bake, cover it with film and let it proof!

How to decorate your Roscón de reyes

Although the options here are endless, traditionally, the ingredients you’ll always find in a Roscón are: Candied pumpkin, candied orange, candied cherries, pearled or aromatic sugar, sliced almonds, or other nuts.

Candied pumpkin is typically dyed with red and green colors. I made my own candied butternut squash because I didn’t find the white pumpkin I wanted, so I left the orange color as it was. I also made my own candied orange slices. Since everything was a bit too orange, I bought green candied cherries to give it that je ne sais quoi.

When it comes to Roscón de Reyes, I prefer aromatic sugar rather than pearled sugar, for that, I mixed ¼ cup of white sugar with 1 tsp of orange blossom water and mixed well. The sugar should feel like moist sand but it shouldn’t dissolve. Once it’s well mixed you just sprinkle it on top of the Roscón.

How to bake a Roscón de reyes

Preheat the oven to 350F. As the oven preheats brush your Roscón with either egg wash or with the leftover whites. Brush it twice so it’ll get that nice brown color, and start decorating it. If your candied fruits are too dry consider soaking them in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

Start decorating it with the candied fruits, then the nuts (if using), and top it with the sugar.

Bake it for about 30-40 minutes; this really depends on your oven, mine is acting crazy these days so in your oven it might be ready earlier.

If you think it’s getting dark too fast you can cover it with a piece of foil with a hole inside. You can also measure the internal temperature. If it reads 94C/201F then it’s ready!

Once your Roscón is ready take it out of the oven and let it cool down to room temperature.

Your Roscón de Reyes will be best the day is baked but if you keep it in an airtight container or bag, it can stay fresh for about a week (the sourdough version) or a couple of days if you made it with yeast.

Regardless of what you use, SD or yeast, knead the dough very well. The better the dough, the more moisture it can retain, and the longer it’ll take to dry out. However, this is particularly important if you use commercial yeast since yeasted bread tends to dry out quicker.

How to add the filling

If you want to add a filling, you need to cut the Roscón crosswise making two layers. Basically, you’re making a sweet sandwich! Make sure the Roscón has completely cooled down to room temperature. You can even put it in the fridge for 15 mins or so before you slice it. This way you’ll get a clean cut and the fillings won’t melt.

The fillings should be thick enough to sustain the weight of the top layer without leaking everywhere.

Let me know if you make the Roscón de Reyes or any other recipe! If you do, use #allyoukneadisbread on Instagram, I’d love to see what you bake and what you experiment with!

You can find me on InstagramFacebook, and Pinterest, and you can also subscribe to my Youtube channel.

Feliz Día de Reyes!

This post contains affiliate links and any sales made through such links will reward me a small commission – at no extra cost for you – that allows me to keep running this blog.

Spanish Roscón de Reyes

Roscón de Reyes is a brioche-style, citrusy, sweet bread that’s usually consumed on January 6th, the day known as “Día de Reyes”

Course Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Cuisine Spanish
Keyword Dia de reyes, Rosca de Reyes, Roscón de masa madre, Roscón de Reyes, sourdough bread, Spanish Bread, Three kings bread, Three kings cake
Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total fermentation time 16 hours
Total Time 17 hours 25 minutes
Servings 2 medium loaves
Author Maria


  • 600 g brioche flour (add up to 50 g more if necessary)
  • 200 g milk see notes *
  • 135 g mature sourdough starter/levain
  • 135 g caster sugar
  • 135 g softened butter see notes for dairy free options *
  • 3 M eggs
  • 2 M yolks
  • 12 g salt
  • 2.5 tbsp orange blossom water
  • zest of 1 orange
  • zest of one lemon
  • assorted candied fruits
  • 4 tbsp sliced almonds
  • 50 g aromatic sugar or pearled sugar see notes*


  1. In the bowl of your stand mixer combine the milk, eggs, yolk, sourdough starter, and the aromatics and mix thoroughly. If you scald the milk wait for it to cool down to at least 36C/97F

  2. Add the flour and the salt and mix until you don't see dry flour particles. Cover the bowl and let it rest 20-30 minutes

  3. Knead the dough at low speed (speed 2 in a KitchenAid stand mixer) until it has a nice consistency and starts getting elastic

  4. Incorporate the butter and knead until you develop the gluten completely (windowpane test). If necessary, allow the dough rest a couple of times for a few minutes.

  5. Once the dough is ready transfer into a lightly oiled container and let it ferment overnight (about 10-12h at 68F). It should double or almost double in volume and you should see fermentation bubbles on the bottom of the container.

  6. Divide the dough into two equal pieces for two medium roscones or 3 equal pieces for 3 small ones.

  7. Shape each piece into a ball and let it rest 10 minutes

  8. With an oiled finger poke a hole in the middle of one of the pieces of dough and slowly open the hole until you can grab the dough and swirl it around with your hands to open the hole of at least 15cm/6in and get the same thickness all around (check the article for a full explanation)

  9. Place the roscones on parchment paper and on the tray you'll use for baking. Cover them with plastic wrap and let them proof for 3-4h or until they have grown and the dough feels puffy

  10. Preheat your oven to 350F/175C and while it's preheating brush the dough twice with egg wash or with the egg whites leftovers and decorate it with candied fruit, nuts, and sugar (check the text for a full explanation on the order of the toppings)

  11. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until the roscones have a slight dark golden brown and the internal temperature reads 94C/200F

  12. Let cool down to room temperature before slicing (check the article if you want to fill the roscón, check the article to know how)

Recipe Notes

* Scalding the milk is optional, on the post I explain why I do it

* For dairy-free options you can substitute the milk with soy milk and use vegan butter instead of butter. 

* To make the aromatic sugar mix 1 tsp of orange blossom with 1/4 cup (50g) of sugar and mix until it has a moist sand consistency

Sourdough Magdalenas

Hello friends! Today I bring one of my mom’s very best recipes: Magdalenas! But I adapted it to sourdough, it’s a great way to use your discards, #zerowaste people! These sourdough magdalenas are super simple to make. And if you have kids around it’s a great activity to do with them. Especially now, that we need to stay indoors as much as possible.

How do I know this? Because magdalenas are the highlight of my childhood! They’re the thing my mom would bake every time we had a potluck at school, or when we were fuzzy at home because we were bored. My sister and I loved filling the cups and licking the spatula at the end. I have great memories of being in the kitchen making magdalenas!

sourdough magdalenas masa madre homemade simple

Magdalenas are the Spanish version of a muffin, but airier. They’re very soft and spongy and not too sweet. My mom never used vanilla extract or anything else to enhance the flavor, and I don’t either. I like to taste the olive oil and the eggs. At most, I add orange zest, but I usually keep it simple.

Magdalenas, the perfect snack

In Spain we eat 5 times a day, aside from breakfast, lunch, and dinner, we also cherish our snacks. So much, that they are considered a meal and even have their own name! One is the “almuerzo” which is the morning snack. And the other (my favorite!) is the “merienda“, which is the afternoon snack. Considering we have pretty late dinners (9-10 pm) a good afternoon or early evening snack sounds like a great idea!

sourdough magdalenas masa madre homemade simple

About these sourdough magdalenas

Something that it’s characteristic of magdalenas is their shape. When they grow tall we say they have “copete” and for many people, this is something difficult to achieve. However, I’ve learned that the secret is in letting the batter rest in the fridge before baking. Since the batter is cold, the raising agents (now fully active) can act for a bit longer before the crumb is set, thus giving the madgalenas that final rise.

Letting the batter rest also allows the sourdough ferment. Even though it won’t make the magdalenas sour, some fermentation will increase their nutritional profile and make them easier to digest (The wonders of sourdough, guys!). However, if you don’t have the time, you can bake them right away, the texture won’t change much, you’ll still get delicious magdalenas!

If you’re going to let the dough rest more than 6h, add a little bit more sugar since part of it will be used to neutralize the acids from the sourdough fermentation and won’t contribute to the sweetness of your magdalenas.

The last touch

To get the traditional look of a magdalena, you just need to sprinkle some sugar on top right before baking. It’ll develop a little crust while baking and it’s also a way to decorate the magdalenas.

After baking, let them cool down a little. It’ll help to set the aromas and the structure. And after they cool down you can keep them in an airtight container for a few days.

I did some experiments at home and I tested how the sourdough helped the magdalenas to keep fresh longer. So, I left some outside on the counter overnight (with and without sourdough). The ones with sourdough barely dried out, and overall, they lasted fresh longer than the regular ones.

If you want to know more, check this post where I talk a little about the science behind why sourdough helps in keeping baked goods fresh for longer periods of time.

This recipe yields 18-22 magdalenas (depending on your liners and how much you fill them), but if you want to double or triple it, do so. The recipe is very easy to scale up!

If you don’t have a muffin pan don’t let that stop you! My friends in Bella Cupcake Couture got you covered! Check the post to learn how to bake muffins without a pan or liners!

Let me know if you make these sourdough magdalenas, I’d love to see your creations! You can tag me on instagram or use the hashtag #allyoukneadisbread.

You can find me on Instagram or Facebook and you can also subscribe to my Youtube channel.

Happy baking!

This post contains affiliate links and any sales made through such links will reward me a small commission – at no extra cost for you – that allows me to keep running this blog.

magdalenas de masa madre sourdough discards
5 from 1 vote

Sourdough Spanish magdalenas

The sourdough version of one of the most typical Spanish muffins

Course Breakfast, Snack
Cuisine Spanish
Keyword magdalenas, masa madre, muffins, sourdough, sourdough discards, sourdough muffins, spanish food
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Author Maria


  • 300 g cake flour or weak all purpose flour
  • 200 g sugar plus more to sprinkle (see notes*)
  • 100 g heavy whipping cream
  • 100 g olive oil
  • 4 eggs see notes**
  • 200 g sourdough discards 100% hydration collected throughout a week
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1 tbsp orange zest optional


  1. Whisk the eggs and sugar until fluffy and light in color.

  2. Add the starter and break down the blob a little (do it manually if you use your stand mixer, or the starter will curl up the whist attachment)

  3. Add the heavy cream and the oil and whisk everything until it's combined.

  4. Sift the flour and the baking powder and add the mixture to the wet ingredients in 2 or 3 times to avoid flour flying everywhere.

  5. Mix the flour just to incorporate it. If you want to let the batter rest, now it's the time. Cover it with film and keep it in the fridge up to 12h. If you don't want to wait, preheat your oven at 350F.

  6. When the oven is ready, line a cupcake pan and fill the cups about 3/4 of the way full, sprinkle with sugar in the center (about 1/2 tsp or so).

  7. Bake the magdalenas until they're golden brown and let them rest in the pan for a few minutes.

  8. Transfer the magdalenas to a cooling rack and let them cool down to room temperature.

Recipe Notes

* Use a weak all-purpose flour, if it has a high protein content mix it 50/50 with cake flour or your magdalenas will turn out a bit dry.

** You can use eggs straight from the fridge, especially if you are going to let the batter rest for a while in the fridge. 

Easy and Delicious Sourdough Challah

Something good about this quarantine? It gave me the time I needed to create more recipes and do experiments with all my starters. I’ve had sourdough challah in my “to-bake” list for the longest time. And I finally have a recipe I’m 100% satisfied with.

I used all-purpose flour with a protein content of 11.7% for this delicious challah recipe. Don’t worry if you can’t find bread flour, I know it’s difficult to find these days.

UPDATE 10/18/2020: Based on the feedback I received, I decided to update this post to talk about the oil and how to easily incorporate it.

This challah was made with the lesser amounts of water and oil in the ingredients

About the recipe

This dough is not on the sticky side, however, you need to make sure you develop the gluten very well. If you do so, you will have a delicate and cohesive sourdough challah that will stay fresh for several days. You can check this post for some guidance on how to knead enriched dough based on real bread science.

I can’t stress this enough: make sure you knead the dough well. Do it little by little. Allow the gluten enough rest if you think the dough is not really coming together after a while. If you’re using a stand mixer, the dough shouldn’t stick to the bottom. And if you’re using your hands, the dough shouldn’t stick to the heel of your hands or the counter.

Developing the gluten well takes a bit of time, but the reward will be amazing. You’ll end up with a dough that’s easier to handle (it won’t stick everywhere), a plump braid, and a bread that won’t dry out and harden right after it cools down.

The ingredients

Since this recipe doesn’t have a lot of moisture, I prefer to add all ingredients at once except the oil. I find it’s the best way to ensure salt and sugar dissolve well, and that all ingredients are properly distributed. You want to have a homogeneous dough.

Once you start kneading and the dough acquires certain consistency, add the oil and incorporate it well. This step might be easier to do by hand than with a stand mixer. You can add the oil little by little or all at once, whatever is more comfortable for you.

In the ingredient list, you’ll find a range in the amounts of oil and water. You can decide which type of dough you prefer. A slightly softer dough that leads to a slightly softer bread, or a slightly stiffer dough that’s easier to shape. The range is not large, but those extra 10 or 20g do make a difference, especially using AP flour.

My flour has 11.7% of protein, if yours has more/less, you will need to adjust the amount of water accordingly

What If I can’t eat eggs?

If you can’t eat eggs you can substitute them with pumpkin puree. It’ll give the dough an orangey color, but it’ll make the dough spongey too. Just be careful with the liquid because pumpkin puree does have some extra moisture.

How to incorporate the oil

If you have read some of my posts you know I’m very particular about developing the gluten network. Adding butter when the dough is half-developed is a bit of work but nothing impossible. However, adding oil can be a lot trickier. So here are my tips:

1) Add the oil little by little. If you add it all at once the outer layer of the dough will be covered in oil and won’t let it penetrate.

2) Squeeze the dough as you knead so you can break that outer layer and the oil can penetrate.

3) If you still have problems, cut the dough into smaller pieces to increase the surface area of dough that hasn’t been coated in oil yet (the inside part) and keep squeezing

4) If you work on your counter, squeeze the dough as if you were wringing out a cloth.

5) Be patient, it’ll take a few minutes but it’s not impossible!

The key to incorporate the oil is to make sure it can pass through that outer layer of dough that has been coated in oil and is slippery. You can cut the dough, squeeze it, wring it… Whatever works for you.

But.. Can I just add the oil with the rest of the wet ingredients?

Yes, you can AS LONG AS you make sure the gluten is developed correctly. The reason I encourage you to add it later is that we tend to stop working the dough absorbs the fats. And that leads to denser crumbs and lower quality bread.

But if you make sure you get that beautiful windowpane and a dough that is elastic and nice. Then yes, you can add the oil earlier in the process.

I’d still suggest you add it after mixing everything else, while you have that shaggy mess of dough at the beginning. The reason why is because the flour had at least some time to hydrate without oil getting in the middle. Moreover, the gluten network is still at a very early stage, so it’ll be easier to squeeze the dough and allow the oil to be absorbed.

How to ferment sourdough challah

I found that the temperature range in my house did not affect the fermentation too much. However, the amount of water did. Keep in mind that the temperature didn’t vary that much (68-74F) and wasn’t too warm.

Note: if your house is very warm, the temperature will affect the fermentation more than it affected me. Keep an eye on your dough during bulk fermentation.

While all sourdough challahs turned out great; I found that the recipe with a little more water fermented faster and the dough was a bit slacker; which made the braiding a bit more difficult as the ropes stretched very easily. The dough with slightly less water and oil ended up in very plump braids; (the very first photo), but the bread was slightly drier than I prefer.

I used the midrange amount of oil and water for this sourdough challah

I did all bulk fermentations overnight at room temperature (about 8h at 68-74F depending on the day). The recipe with more water over-proofed a little and developed a slightly sour taste (at both temperatures, even at 68F). However, you can fix this easily by reducing the bulk fermentation.

The recipe with less water didn’t get to rise that much but was still puffy and the taste was sweeter. After shaping, all loaves proofed for 3-4 h (until they were puffy, not until they doubled). The loaves with less water held the shape better.

You should take these experiments as a guide. But what you’re looking for is a puffy dough that still feels stiff (not sticky). If you press carefully, you should leave a mark that springs back slowly. You can adapt the fermentation to your own kitchen conditions.

What I’d suggest is to not rush the bulk fermentation. If your dough didn’t ferment enough, then it could tear open during baking.

Find the balance between temperature and fermentation

In any case, try not to over ferment the dough, or it might turn sour and slacker. It should feel puffy, it should smell like sourdough but not too acidic with slightly but pleasant acetic hints. Same for the final proof, let it get puffy but don’t wait until it doubles.

It’s very difficult to see when it doubles unless the dough is in a container. Waiting for it to double might end up in an over-fermented dough that will flatten during or after baking and won’t taste as nice.

How to braid this sourdough challah

Divide the dough into as many portions as you want strands in your braid. Let them rest 10 minutes before you make the ropes.

To make the ropes, flatten the dough balls into a 2 in/10 cm oval. Then starting on the long side roll the oval onto itself giving it some tension as you go. Once you shaped the log seal the seam.

Let the logs rest a few minutes; then starting from the middle towards the outside stretch the logs and make the ropes. If the ropes keep shrinking let them rest. The gluten it’s pulling and if you continue to stretch the dough you’ll end up breaking the gluten structure.

Braiding the challah a little loose will allow it to tighten as it proofs. It will puff up during baking and be very plump. If the braid is too tight from the beginning, it could tear during baking

After you brush your challah with the egg white, you can sprinkle some poppy or sesame seeds to decorate it!

Here you have a video for an 8 strand challah:

The good thing about challah dough is its versatility when it comes to shapes and braiding. If you’re looking for a beautiful shape but are a bit intimidated by braids, I’d suggest you try your hand at a round challah. It’s very easy to braid and you won’t get lost.

The baking

Since every oven is a bit different, bake your challah until it’s golden brown. If it gets too dark on top you can tent it with aluminum foil until it’s done inside. If you have trouble knowing if the bread is done, check the inside temperature. It should register at least 200F / 94C.

I have this thermometer and I’m very happy with it. It’s fast and accurate and it can hold the max/min temperature. What I like the most is that it has a magnet! So I can leave it stuck on the fridge while I’m baking for easy use.

After baking let the challah cool down for a while. It will help set the crumb and aromas!

I hope you enjoy this wonderful sourdough challah!

If you make this easy sourdough challah, let me know what you think and tag me on your creations! I love to see what you guys make!

You can find me on Instagram or Facebook and you can also subscribe to my Youtube channel.

For suggestions or want me to adapt a yeast-based recipe into a sourdough one, etc. please contact me and I’ll try my best to respond and plan a recipe!

Happy baking!

This post contains affiliate links and any sales made through such links will reward me a small commission – at no extra cost for you – that allows me to keep running this blog.

the best sourdough challah
4.58 from 19 votes

Easy and Delicious Sourdough Challah

A delicious sourdough challah with a very fluffly crumb. Perfect to eat plain, to make toasts, or even french toasts.

Course Appetizer, Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Cuisine Jewish
Keyword challah, jewish bread, sourdough challah
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 35 minutes
Total resting time 13 hours
Servings 1 loaf
Author Maria


  • 345 g king arthur all purpose flour (11.7% protein content)
  • 110 g sourdough starter at its peak of activity
  • 70-80 g water room temperature
  • 1 Large egg
  • 1 Large yolk (save the white for final egg wash)
  • 50 g granulated sugar
  • 80-90 g vegetable oil
  • 6 g salt
  • 1 tsp poppy or sesame seeds optional


  1. Add the water and the sourdough starter to a bowl and with a whisk bread down the starter

  2. Add the egg, the yolk, and the sugar and combine everything

  3. Sift the flour and salt together and add them to the dry ingredients

  4. Combine everything until you don't see dry flour particles and let it rest 30-60 mins

  5. Start kneading, if using a stand mixer you can use the paddle attachment

  6. When the dough starts developing the gluten add the oil and keep kneading until it's completely absorbed (see notes)

  7. Knead 4-5 minutes and let it rest another 5-7 minutes. Continue doing thes until it's ready (Let the dough rest as much as necessary).

  8. When the dough passes the windowpane test and it's smooth and elastic, put it in a lightly oiled container and let it ferment until it doubles or almost doubles and feels puffy (at 68-74F it takes tops 8h, typically overnight)

  9. Degas the dough and let it rest a few minutes. Then divide it in as many strands as you want for your braid, shape them into dough balls and let them rest (covered) for 10 minutes

  10. Take one piece of dough and with the heel of your hand flatten it. Use a rolling pin to roll the dough into a 7 x 4 inches oval. Starting from the longe side roll the dough into itself and form a log. Pinch the seam closed and gently roll from the center outwards lengthening the log

  11. Repeat with all the dough pieces, if it's difficult to stretch the log, let it rest a few minutes

  12. Braid the challah and place it on a piece of parchemnt paper on the tray you'll use to bake it. Cover it with plastic wrap and let it rise until it feels puffy (at 68-74F it takes about 3-4h)

  13. Preheat the oven for 20 minutes at 350 F. When the challah is ready, brush it with the egg white and sprinkle poppy or sesame seeds. Bake it for 35-40 minutes or until it has a nice golden brown color

  14. Let the challah cool down to room temperature before slicing it

Recipe Notes

  • If you’re kneading with a stand mixer you might find it easier to incorporate the oil by hand. Squeezing and twisting the dough will work faster.
  • If you think the challah getting too dark but the inside is not done, tent it with a piece of aluminum foil.
  • Kept it in a plastic bag or airtight container, it can last fresh and soft several days.

Sourdough Blueberry Muffins

homemade sourdough blueberry muffins
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Two words: blueberry muffins. It can’t get better than that. Nah, it can, with sourdough it can! Sourdough blueberry muffins, my friends!

I’m determined to use all my sourdough discards, it is painful to throw it away! So these days the new normal is something like this:

Feed starter – save discards – bake loaf -bake with the discards

The more I bake with sourdough discards, the more I get to test the effect on other food. So far, I can say that cakes and muffins made with sourdough last longer than those without. Nothing new really, sourdough bread also lasts fresh longer time

Isn’t it amazing? Although… after you make these muffins, I doubt you’ll need an extended shelf life, they’re INCREDIBLE!

homemade sourdough blueberry muffins

Why do sourdough baked goods last longer?

Bread and other baked goods are usually discarded when they lose quality rather than when they get spoiled. Bread gets stale kind of quickly, cakes dry and get crumbly… Although there are many factors involved in why and how baked goods dry out, obviously, moisture content plays a key role.

When you mix your ingredients with water, the very first thing that happens is that those ingredients absorb the water. They start making hydrogen bonds and trapping the water within the matrix. Sugar and salt start dissolving, gluten proteins start hydrating, starch granules starch absorbing water and swelling (you see why autolysis helps to develop the gluten? Wink wink)… And all this takes a long time. Much more time than we think.

If we focus on the physical changes of food, rather than the biological changes of sourdough fermentation, we need to pay close attention to how the water is used in baked goods.

Moisture is key

There are two types of water in food: the bound water that’s forming some type of bond and the free water, that is simply stored within the food matrix.

After baking, the free water is going to be the first to go. It moves from the inside of the food (The crumb) towards the outside. Thus, why crust gets soggy over time, and then it finally evaporates and leaves the food.

Bound water, however, it’s somewhat trapped. It can be part of the gluten network, of swollen starch granules, it can be trapped within the fat matrix etc. The amount of bound water (among other things, of course) is one of the things that determines how long the food stays fresh; because its’ much more difficult to separate from the other ingredients. So the loss of quality related to water is slowed down.

Since sourdough baking needs lots of time, the levain preparation, long fermentation times etc. allow all ingredients to keep absorbing water and binding it to other molecules. The flour had many hours to ensure al the particles are saturated with water (I’m assuming a 100% hydration starter here). These bonds survive throughout the whole process; after the food is baked and starts cooling down, the food holds onto these water bonds.

And that’s one of the reasons food made with sourdough lasts longer!

If you’re interested in other food science facts, feel free to send me an email or DM on social media and I’ll try my best to write a post about it!

Back to the muffins!

Alrighty! About these muffins… I made them small for two reasons: 1) because the number of muffins I eat doesn’t depend on the size, so I’d better eat smaller portions now that the gym is close 🙂 and 2) because I don’t have a large muffin tin and if I buy more kitchen stuff my husband is going to make me sleep in the kitchen.

So obviously, feel free to make larger muffins or smaller. Whatever you prefer!

homemade sourdough blueberry muffins

I like to whip eggs and sugar very well, this helps with the airy structure of the muffin and I think the texture turns out super delicate!

Usually, when you make blueberry muffins, they collapse a little after they come out of the oven, it’s normal, that’s because the water inside of the fruits turns into steam while the muffins are baking, and they swell. Some blueberries might burst, and the others, when they cool down, they collapse because the steam condenses. They also wrinkle because the heat affects the structure of the skin.

I like to let the batter chill in the fridge for at least a couple of hours to allow the baking powder and baking soda hydrate well. Their leavening power is activated by acids and moisture. You can leave the batter in the fridge overnight and bake the muffins first thing in the morning!

homemade sourdough blueberry muffins

If you make this recipe, let me know what you think and tag me on your creations! I love to see what you guys do!

You can also follow me on Instagram or Facebook and you can also subscribe to my Youtube channel.

If you have any suggestions or would want me to make some recipes, adapt a yeast-based recipe into a sourdough one, etc, please contact me and I’ll try my best to respond and plan a recipe!

Happy baking!

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homemade sourdough blueberry muffins
5 from 1 vote

Sourdough blueberry muffins

Use your sourdough discard to make these delicious muffins!

Course Appetizer, Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American
Keyword blueberry, blueberry muffins, muffins, sourdough, sourdough discards, sourdough muffins
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Servings 12 muffins
Author Maria


  • 200 g all purpose flour
  • 200 g sourdough discards (collected throughout a week)
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 3 L eggs
  • 180 g caster sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp lemon extract (optional- to taste)
  • 180 g heavy whipping cream
  • 60 g olive oil (see notes)
  • cups blueberries


  1. Preheat your oven at 375 F

  2. Sift the flour into a large bowl. Take a tablespoon of that flour and reserve

  3. Add the baking soda, baking powder and salt to the flour and combine

  4. In the bowl of your stand mixer whip the eggs until they are fluffy and have a light yellow color

  5. Add the sugar to the eggs and combine

  6. Add the whipping cream, the oil, the sourdough starter, and the extracts and combine well. Use a spatula if you need to break down the sourdough blob

  7. Change from the wire whisk to the paddle attachment, add the flour in 3 batches and combine at medium-low speed

  8. In separate bowl toss the blueberries and the tbsp of flour you reserved and carefully stirr tso they blueberries get a nice coat of flour

  9. Add the blueberries to the batter and with a spatula stir until just combined (you can put now the batter in the fridge if you want)

  10. line a muffin tin with baking cups and fill them to about 3/4

  11. Add some blueberries on top as decoration

  12. Bake for about 30 minutes or until they have a nice golden color

Recipe Notes

I like to use olive oil because I think it gives muffins in general a really nice aroma. And it’s also how my mom taught me. But feel free to use melted butter or any other oil of your choice!

If you don’t have blueberries, you can make these muffins with any other fruit 

Sourdough donuts with rose cream filling

March was the month for enriched dough for the sourdough monthly challenge I participate every month, and I decided to make sourdough donuts. I adapted the recipe I had for yeasted donuts and used this time to play around with flavors.

I wanted to try a different filling, so I made a rose cream using rose water and the result was AMAZING. Not just because rose water makes everything better, also because these donuts were super soft!

I’d love to tell you they keep fresh for several days, the truth is… they’re so good they didn’t make it that long! 😀

If you don’t have or don’t like rose water you can use any other flavoring. Vanilla, almond, lemon, orange blossom… you name it! (Just be careful with the quantities, some flavorings are stronger and you wouldn’t need that much).

And if you want to try rose water but are under quarantine, please please, please… Wait until the quarantine is lifted. As good as these donuts are, nothing is more important than your safety. Donuts can wait, your health is the priority.

About the recipe

This recipe is pretty straightforward. First, you need to mix all wet ingredients except the starter and butter. Add the sugar and dissolve it, and then add the starter and dissolve the blob a little. My starter was at its peak of activity (it had already tripled in size after feeding it).

Now combine flour and salt. I used bread flour but if for whatever reasons you just have all-purpose flour, you probably won’t need all the milk in the recipe. All-purpose flour absorbs less moisture than bread flour, so using all the milk will, most likely, result in a very slack and sticky dough. And this dough is already on the sticky side.

I used soy milk because that’s what I drink, obviously, you can use regular milk. Just make sure you boil it for a few minutes to break down some enzymes that otherwise could make gluten development difficult

Add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients and combine just enough so you don’t see dry flour particles, cover and let it rest for 30-45 minutes. This autolysis will help the dough to start developing the gluten, hydrate flour particles, and make easier to incorporate the butter. This dough is a bit on the sticky side, so I find this step useful, although is not mandatory.

About the dough

After 30-45 minutes start kneading either by hand or using the paddle attachment of your stand mixer and add the softened butter.

Knead for a few minutes until the butter has been incorporated. If you’re using a stand mixer, you might need to stop several times to scrape the dough off the sides of the bowl or if it rolled up on the paddle attachment.

This dough is a bit sticky, so make sure you knead it well until it’s elastic and it passes the windowpane test. If you don’t see it’s getting more and more elastic stop kneading, cover it and let it rest 10 minutes. Then come back to it and start kneading again.

Sometimes the dough gets tired, the gluten strands start to tangle so much that it’s impossible to develop the gluten network. Letting the dough rest allows the gluten strands to realign and that’s when the magic happens, friends.

You might think your dough is not ready, however, after a few minutes of rest you’ll see how much better it looks and it feels! These rests are crucial when dealing with enriched dough and are also a way to prevent over kneading.

When the dough is ready it should feel very smooth, not too shiny and even dough it will be a bit sticky, it shouldn’t get stuck to your fingers.

Preparing the donuts

Once the dough is ready, let it proof until it doubles in size, but keep its temperature at a maximum of 23C/72F because if it gets too warm it will be very difficult to handle. Not to mention that the butter might melt and leach out of the dough. Patience is key! ( I left my dough fermenting overnight, about 9h, at around 19C/67F).

The next morning punch the dough, degas it well and place it in the fridge for a couple of hours. It’s a sticky dough, cooling it down a little will help you shape the donuts.

After the dough chilled for a while, flour your counter and roll it into a 1cm / 0.5in thickness. Use flour to dust the counter and the top of the dough so it doesn’t get stuck to the rolling pin.

To avoid the donuts from shrinking after cutting them, let the dough rest 15 minutes or so (covered). Then cut one, and if the dough doesn’t shrink you’re good to go, if it does, let it rest a bit longer.

With a round cookie cutter or a glass or whatever you have, cut the donuts. Knead and roll the dough scraps again (let it rest a little if you find it’s difficult to roll it), cut more donuts and continue collecting scraps until you don’t have more dough.

If you have parchment paper, cut small squares, put them on a tray and place the donuts on each square to proof. This will make your life easier when you have to fry them. You won’t have to deal with dough stuck on the tray!

Cover the donuts and let them proof for about 1h at 20/68F Don’t wait for them to double in size or when you fry them they’ll have huge holes inside. They should feel puffy. if your room temperature is higher, they might be ready a bit sooner.

In the meanwhile, you can prepare your filling, either the pastry cream or whatever you prefer. When it’s ready, remember to cover it with plastic wrap touching the surface of the cream so it doesn’t develop a skin.

The last step!

To fry the donuts you can use vegetable oil or other flavorless oil. Vegetable oil is a good choice because it has a higher smoke point. You don’t want your fire alarm to go off like crazy!

The ideal temperature for frying is 180-190C / 360-375F so I’d suggest you use a thermometer. I also used the last dough scraps to test the oil.

Fry the donuts just until they have a nice golden color, flipping them every few seconds. And transfer them to a plate lined with paper towels to absorbs the excess oil.

I transferred mine to the paper towel and quickly coated them with sugar. This is up to you, you can finish your donuts

Let the donuts cool down a little and with a piping bag fill them with the filling you prepare and enjoy!

This recipe yields 6-7 pretty large donuts or 10 regular/smaller donuts.

If you make this recipe, let me know what you think and tag me on your creations! I love to see what you guys do!

You can also follow me on Instagram or Facebook and you can also subscribe to my Youtube channel.

If you have any suggestions or would want me to make some recipes, adapt a yeast-based recipe into a sourdough one, etc, please contact me and I’ll try my best to respond and plan a recipe!

Happy baking!

sourdough donuts bomboloni rose
4 from 1 vote

Sourdough donuts with rose cream filling

These donuts are very soft and full of amazing flavors

Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American
Keyword donuts, homemade, how to, recipes, rose cream, rose water, sourdough, sourdough donuts
Prep Time 2 hours 20 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total fermentation time 10 hours
Servings 6 donuts
Author Maria


Donut dough

  • 260 g bread flour
  • 110 g soy milk see notes
  • 75 g white sourdough starter 100% hydration
  • 40 g sugar
  • 3 g salt
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 tbsp rose water
  • 50 g softened butter

Rose cream filling

  • 250 g soy milk
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 40 g sugar
  • 1 1/2 tbsp rose water (to taste)
  • 1 1/2 tbsp corn starch
  • 3 drops red food coloring


Donut dough

  1. In the bowl of your stand mixer add the milk and suggar anddissolve the sugar

  2. Add the egg yolks and rose water and combine well

  3. Add the starter and stir until you break down the blob

  4. On a different bowl mix the flour and salt

  5. Add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients and combine just until you don't see dry flour particles. Cover the bowl and let it rest 30-45 minutes

  6. After the rest start kneading the dough and when you see it starts getting elastic add the softened butter and knead until the dough passes the windowpane test. Make sure you let the dough rest every few minutes of kneading and before trying the windopane test

  7. Once the dough is ready, grease a container and put the dough inside. Let it ferment until it doubles in size. In my case it took about 9h at 19C/27F

  8. After the bulk fermentation, degas the dough well and let it chill for a couple of hours in the fridge

  9. Take the dough out of the fridge, dust your work surface and the dough and roll it into a 1cm/ 0.5in thickness

  10. Cut the donuts and roll the scraps as many times necessary until you don't have more dough left

  11. Place the donuts on small pieces of parchment paper, cover them and let them proof until they're puffy (about 1h)

  12. Fill a pot with vegetable oil and heat it to 180-190C / 360-375F

  13. When the donuts are ready and the oil is hot, fry the donuts until they have a nice golden brown color. Flip them in the oil several times so they have even color.

  14. Transfer the donuts to a paper towel to remove the excess of oil and quickly roll them in sugar so the sugar sticks to the donut

  15. Let the donuts cool down a few minutes and with a piping bag fill them with your favorite filling!

Rose cream

  1. Put the milk in a saucepan and bring to a low boil

  2. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks, sift the starch, add the sugar, the coloring, and the rose water and whisk again

  3. Pour a little bit of milk on the bowl (about 1/3 or 1/4 of the milk) with the yolks mixture and quickly stir so you don't cook the eggs

  4. Pour the egg batter into the saucepan and whisk it all together until is homogeneous

  5. Heat the mixture at low heat and don't stop stirring. It will thicken

  6. Once the cream is thick enough transfer it to a bowl and cover it with plastic wrap. Make sure the wrat touches the cream so it won't develop a skin.

  7. Let the cream cool down to room temperature before filling the donuts

Recipe Notes

I use soy milk because that’s what I normally use. You can substitute it for regular milk but make sure you boil the milk a few minutes before using it in the dough. That way you will break down the enzymes that could hinder gluten development.

Sourdough chocolate and orange bundt cake

Oh, hey there! I’m glad you’re here because I have a wonderful sourdough chocolate orange bundt cake recipe for you! I know… the name it’s kinda long, but trust me, this cake is so delicious, it won’t last long! And I like to think of it as a zero waste recipe. Why? Because I used orange peels and sourdough discards that I collected during the week.

This chocolate sourdough cake is rich and moist. The flavors come together perfectly, the sourdough enhances the aromas and keeps the cake fresh for longer

My new challenge in life is to generate less food waste, and that goes to sourdough too. So I’m developing recipes that allow me to do so. The world of sourdough it’s endless! I realized that I can use it in so much more than bread.

I have different sourdough starters that I use for different things. And not long ago I made a chocolate sourdough bread with my chocolate sourdough starter. And that’s pretty much how this cake was born!

If you don’t have a chocolate starter discard, don’t worry, use your regular discards and then substitute 20g of flour with 20g of cocoa powder.

I love the contrast between chocolate and orange and the sourdough starter makes this cake moist and extends its shelf life significantly! It doesn’t taste or get sour; the orange peels are boiled and aren’t bitter and the chocolate flavor is just enough so you can enjoy all flavors.

I made a ganache to add a little something to the cake and topped it with walnuts, but you can use anything you like.

How to prepare the orange peels

The first thing you need to do is to make sure the orange peels are not bitter or they will ruin your cake. You need to put the peels in a sauce pan and add enough water to cover them. Turn the heat to medium-high and cook them until they start boiling. Let them boil for a minute. Drain and rinse them until they’re not too hot. Put them back in the saucepan and repeat 2 or 3 more times (Until you bite a piece and it isn’t bitter).

It’s important to cool down the peels between boils, otherwise, they might disintegrate completely before they are ready.

Once the orange peels are ready, let them cool down and then chop them either manually or with a food processor. They will last in the fridge for a week and you can use them anywhere!

The rest of the steps are similar to any other cake. I used my KitchenAid to mix the batter, but if you don’t have a stand mixer, you can use something else or even do it by hand. Just make sure when you beat the eggs and the sugar, the mixture is foamy. Otherwise, the cake can turn out a bit dense.

Amazing results!

The results are spectacular! This cake is rich, moist and spongy. The flavors come together perfectly, the chocolate flavor complements the tangy orange flavor, and it’s not overly sweet. The sourdough enhances the aromas and really improves the shelf life of the cake. It can stay fresh for several days and I just covered it with foil, I didn’t put it into a plastic container or anything.

Let me know what you think of this recipe and please, tag me on your creations! I love to see what you guys do! You can follow me on Instagram or Facebook and you can also subscribe to my Youtube channel.

If you have any suggestions or would want me to make some recipes, please contact me and I’ll try my best to respond and plan a recipe!

Happy baking!

Sourdough chocolate & orange bundt cake

Use your sourdough dicards and orange peels to make this scrumptious dessert!

Course Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Keyword bundt cake, cake, chocolate cake, easy, orange cake, sourdough, sourdough discards, zero waste recipe
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Servings 10 people
Author Maria



  • 340 g all purpose flour *see notes
  • 325 g sourdough starter – 100% hydration (about 2 cups)
  • 20 g cocoa powder 1
  • 300 g white sugar
  • 200 g vegetable oil
  • 4 L eggs
  • 100 g boiled and ground orange peels **see notes
  • 70 g milk ***see notes
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon optional

Chocolate Glaze

  • 3/4 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
  • 4 tbsp butter
  • 1 pinch ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts optional – decoration



  1. Preheat your oven at 350F

  2. Grease your a bundt cake pan that can hold at least 12 cups

  3. On a bowl, mix all dry ingredients and set aside

  4. On your stand mixer bowl,add eggs and sugar and beat using the whisk attachment until they're fluffy and the color is lighter

  5. Add milk, vegetable oil, orange, and vanilla extract and beat until incorporated

  6. Add the sourdough starter and incorporate it at medium speed, you might need to pause or even use a spatula to break it down a little

  7. Add the dry ingredients and with a spatula or the paddle attachment incorporate them into the batter. Don't over mix. If possible, don't add all the dry ingredients at once, add them in 2 or 3 times to avoid lumps

  8. Bake at 350 for 55-65 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. If needed, tent the cake with aluminum foil to avoind the top from burning

  9. When ready, take it out of the oven and let it cool down in the pan for 5-10 minutes, then transfer onto a wire rack

Chocolate glaze

  1. When the cake is already baked, melt the butter and the chocolate chips at a very low temperature

  2. Add the cinnamon combine it well

  3. Pour on top of the cake and decorate with walnuts or any other nut you prefer

Recipe Notes

*I’ve tried both, chocolate sourdough starter and regular sourdough starter. If you have chocolate starter, use it and avoid the cocoa powder and just add 20 more grams of all purpose flour.

**You need to boil the peels 2 or 3 times to get rid of the bitterness. Please, read the paragragh where I explain how to do it 🙂

***If you don’t have enough orange peels, you can use orange juice instead of milk, but 100g or orange peels give this cake a really nice orange flavor.

**** I collected my starter for several days and kept it in the fridge until I baked the cake

How to make sourdough chocolate banana bread

A year ago I was writing that dissertation, I was stressed, hypersensitive, anxious… Sometimes I’d be happy it’d soon be over, and sometimes I’d feel nostalgic for the very same reason. A year has passed and I’m just starting to rebuild myself and enjoy my guilt-free life… With this sourdough chocolate banana bread! That’s right! It’s all about using sourdough discards!

Using sourdough discards in your baking

Learning the science of bread is one of the reasons I started this blog. Because I find breadmaking an incredibly endearing process and yet so misunderstood. There are different methods to take care of your sourdough starter; some people generate discards, others don’t. I never throw away the discards, that’s sourdough that can be used on other things!! It’s pre-fermented flour that can bring flavor to yeast bakes, like this brioche recipe with sourdough discards. It also helps increase the shelf life of baked products by slowing down the staling process and controlling the pH a bit. This way spoilage microorganisms find it harder to grow on the food.

This year I also want to start implementing a new approach when it comes to food: ZERO WASTE. I know many people generate a considerable amount of sourdough discards. And I know using sourdough discards sounds like a crazy idea for many. But let me tell you.. once you make this sourdough chocolate banana bread with sourdough discards, you will be converted forever!!!

So today I inaugurate a new type of recipe: SOURDOUGH DISCARDS

I’ll upload different recipes using sourdough discards so you don’t just throw them away. Recipes with that extra kick of healthiness that only a sourdough starter can provide. As always, all recipes will be tested to ensure the best results!

To inaugurate this new batch of recipes I wanted to make something special. I’ve developed this sourdough chocolate banana bread that’s going to make you fall in love with it!

It’s moist but not too dense. It’s spongy, full of flavors, a nice chocolate kick that doesn’t overtake the banana taste. And it lasts fresh for days even if you don’t keep it in an airtight container! (You didn’t think that sourdough could only keep regular bread fresh for a longer time, did you?)

I did not add chocolate chips of any kind to this bread, just walnuts. Because I wanted to taste the banana. But if you prefer a more chocolatey flavor, customize those extras to your taste buds.

About this sourdough chocolate banana bread

It works best with very ripe bananas. Those brown mushy ones? Yeah, those!

If you’re not ready to bake banana bread but your bananas are getting too ripe to eat, just peel them, freeze them and use them whenever you’re ready! Just make sure you drain the water after they thaw. I think frozen bananas are the best for banana bread, they keep the moisture much better and they also enhance the flavor of the bread.

I collected the sourdough discards throughout 3 or 4 days of consecutive feedings and kept it in the fridge until ready to bake.

What if I have old sourdough discards?

I have tested this recipe with discards that were several weeks old. The only difference in flavor is that the chocolate banana bread was less sweet. Which makes sense, because the discards have been acidifying and part of the sugar is used to neutralize those acids.

So, depending on your taste buds, you may want to adapt the sugar. Although, this recipe has a considerable amount of it. But like always, you have the idea here, then you can customize it to your liking! 🙂

How long does it take to bake?

The baking time depends on your oven. Start taking a look at the bread after 50-55 minutes. The best way to know if your banana bread is ready is by inserting a toothpick (or a thin skewer) all the way down in the middle part of the loaf (that’s the part that takes the longest to cook). If it comes out clean, you’re good to go!

Don’t overbake this sourdough chocolate banana bread, you want it moist, not too dry, once the toothpick comes out clean, it’s ready!

Let me know if you make this chocolate banana bread using your sourdough discards and tag me on Instagram or Facebook so I can see your creations! And don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel too, where once in a while I upload videos for some of my recipes.


sourdough chocolate banana bread with walnuts
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Sourdough chocolate banana bread

Super soft, moist and incredibly flavorful chocolate banana bread. The best way to use your sourdough discards!
Course Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American
Keyword banana, banana bread, chocolate, chocolate banana bread, chocolate sourdough, sourdough, sourdough discards, zero waste recipe
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Servings 1 loaf
Author Maria


  • 220 g all-purpose flour
  • 40 g unsweetened dark cocoa powder
  • 135 g sourdough starter discards
  • 180 g brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 115 g vegetable oil
  • 3 very ripe bananas
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional and customizable)


  • Preheat your oven at 350F
  • Grease a 9×5 in mold (or line it with parchment paper if you prefer)
  • In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients (flour, cocoa powder, salt, baking powder, and baking soda) and make sure the baking powder and baking soda don't have any lumps.
  • In a smaller bowl whisk the eggs, add the vegetable oil and vanilla extract and combine until the eggs get a light color. Then add the brown sugar and mix for a couple of minutes.
  • Add the sourdough starter and stir until it breaks down and it's incorporated (you might see some strands, it's ok, the starter had some gluten developed)
  • Mash the bananas, add them to the egg mixture and combine everythng well
  • With a spatula, lightly fold the wet ingredients into the dry ones
  • Add the chopped walnuts and stir just until they're combined
  • pour the batter into your mold and bake for 60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean (time might vary depending on your oven temperature)

Cinnamon rolls with lievito madre discards

Hello everyone!

Today I bring something delicious! If you’ve been following me on Instagram or Facebook, you already know I’ve been experimenting with lievito madre, and I even made panettone with it! 🙂

lievito madre cinnamon rolls bread making sourdough

Lievito madre is the stiff sourdough starter used by Italian bakers to make panettones the artisanal way. This method requires a lot of flour and a lot of refreshments during the first 15 days, and while the first-week discards are not suitable for baking, the rest are. Especially the 3 discards from the 3 preparatory refreshments before making panettone.

Jump to Recipe

If you want to learn how to make your own lievito madre check this post!

Every time I did a refreshment, I had 150-200 g of lievito madre that I threw away. On day 9 or 10 of the process, I made a loaf of bread and it turned out great, so the next day I used the discards to make challah and it turned out great too. The taste was amazing, and it just had a pleasant hint of sourness.

Sourness in enriched dough has been my pet peeve and the reason I usually use commercial yeast. I can’t stand a bread that’s supposed to be sweet and yet the only thing you taste is a strong acidic flavor. I like that on country loaves, but not on brioche or a croissant.

That’s the whole point of working with lievito madre (either soaked in water or tied up in a cloth). In the soaked in water method, part of the acid is released in the water. Don’t forget that this sourdough starter is used in panettone, and real Italian panettones are not acidic at all. You shouldn’t be able to tell that the panettone was made with sourdough.

Baking with lievito madre

Working with lievito madre is addictive, seriously! I don’t even care how much time I’ve invested in creating it, or how much flour I’ve used. I can tell how differently the dough behaves, the different aromas compared to my regular sourdough starter, etc.

Based on the amazing flavor and incredible texture of the challah I baked, I decided to experiment a bit more and make cinnamon rolls. Because I have yet to find a recipe that doesn’t turn out into super dry rolls.

This recipe doesn’t have frosting because I wanted to taste the bread, the aromas from the lievito madre and how they combined with the ingredients on the recipe.

I did tweak the recipe a bit and I used orange syrup and orange blossom water in the dough, the filling has ground walnuts, ground cinnamon, and orange zest, and the icing has orange juice instead of milk or water.

lievito madre cinnamon rolls bread making sourdough

The result was amazing, the lievito madre helped to balance the aromas of the dough and significantly improved the texture of the rolls, they were soft and chewy and delicious! Even though I used lievito madre that had never been “purified” before (by doing a bagnetto, a technique to reduce the acidity of the dough when making panettone with lievito madre), and the dough fermented for 8h at room temperature and another 8 in the fridge, the rolls tuned out delicious with a pleasant hint of sourness, you could tell they were made with sourdough but the flavor was great.

I think the texture of the dough was also different, it was more forgiving, and I could develop the gluten with a much gentle kneading that using levain or commercial yeast.

Let’s get into the recipe!

After draining, squeezing and using part of the lievito madre to do the refreshment, take the discards, weight how much you need and cut it into small pieces (half an inch or so) so they can be absorbed into the dough faster.

lievito madre cinnamon rolls bread making sourdough

In your stand mixer bowl, add the wet ingredients and combine very well, then add the flour and the lievito madre in pieces.

Knead until the dough gets some elasticity and then add the softened butter. continue kneading until you have a perfect gluten development. You will have to stop a few times and let the dough rest for some minutes. You can check this post to learn how to knead enriched dough.

Once the dough is ready, shape it into a ball and place it in a lightly oiled container. Cover it and let it ferment at room temperature until it doubles in size. Mine took about 8h (the milk and the egg were cold). Place the dough in the fridge and let it ferment another 8h (I left it in the fridge overnight).

If you have enough time, you don’t have to leave the dough in the fridge overnight, although I do recommend you to let the dough chill for 1h before you shape the rolls, because this dough is stikier than the regular cinammon roll dough.

The next day, take the dough out of the fridge, deflate it very well and let it rest 10 mins before shaping.

Roll the dough into a 35x45cm rectangle, spread the filling and starting from the longer side, roll the dough onto itself to make a log. Seal the log and cut it into 9-12 pieces.

Place the rolls into a lightly oiled 9x9in square pan and let them ferment, covered, until they touch each other.

lievito madre cinnamon rolls bread making sourdough

Before they finish proofing, turn your oven on at 350F.

When ready, bake for 30 mins or until the rolls are golden brown. You can brush them with egg wash if you prefer.

Prepare the icing and wait until the rolls cool down a little before you drizzle the icing.


Sourdough cinnamon rolls with stiff starter

Use lievito madre to make these chewy, soft, and moist cinnamon rolls. It's another level of sourdough goodness!

Course Appetizer, Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American
Keyword christmas, cinnamon, cinnamon rolls, homemade, lievito madre, sourdough, sourdough discards
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 30 minutes
Proofing time 18 hours
Total Time 19 hours 30 minutes
Servings 12 rolls



  • 300 g bread flour
  • 100 g lievito madre discards
  • 135 g milk
  • 50 g butter softened
  • 4 g salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp orange syrup or honey optional
  • 1/2 tbsp orange blossom water
  • 50 g sugar


  • 80 g ground walnuts
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 3 tbsp melted butter
  • 2 tsp orange zest
  • 1 tbsp ground cinnamon


  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1-2 tbsp orange juice



  1. In the bowl of your stand mixer add the milk, eggs, salt, sugar, vanilla extract, orange blossom water, and orange syrup and combine very well

  2. Sift 300 g of bread flour and add them to the wet ingredients

  3. Take 100g of the discards from refreshing your lievito madre and cut small pieces and add them to the bowl of the stand mixer

  4. Knead at low speed for a few minutes until the dough gets a bit elastic and add the softened butter

  5. Knead until you have a perfect gluten development

  6. Shape the dough into a ball and place it in a lightly oiled container. Cover it and let it ferment at room temperature until it doubles in size (about 8h in my kitchen)

  7. Place the dough in the fridge and let it ferment at a cold temperature for up to 8 more hours

  8. Take the dough out of the fridge, deflate it gently and with a rolling pin shape a 35x45cm rectangle

  9. Spread the filling and start rolling the log starting on the wider side

  10. Cut 9-12 pieces and place them in your 9x9in square pan (use parchment paper if it's not non-stick)

  11. Let the rolls proof until they touch each other (about 2h)

  12. Bake the rolls in a preheated oven at 350F

  13. Drizzle the icing after they cooled down to room temperature


  1. Combine the ground walnuts, sugar, cinnamon, and orange zest

  2. Add the melted butter and mix well


  1. Sift the powder sugar

  2. Start adding the orange juice until you get the desired consistency